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Long-standing stress keeps stress hormones high, conquer the immune system, and can put you at higher risk like cancer. Chronic stress puts our bodies in a very difficult situation and can abbreviate your life expectancy. Ayurveda offers a stunning perception on anxiety management; however with a specific end goal to more readily comprehend it, we will initially investigate the potential results of excess stress and establish a proper understanding of the human stress reaction.
As the name indicates, ‘Punarnava’ literally means which renews the body and brings back the missing vigour and vitality. It is a brilliant herb which acts as a cardiac and renal tonic. Punarnava is rich in Potassium nitrate which makes it an excellent diuretic. Thus it has an important role in the treatment of disorders related to urinary system.
Indeed, even films are made on age-related memory loss. How could anybody not remember the popular movie, The Notebook! But yes, memory loss is something we all have within us.
Shirodhara is the therapy in which medicated oil,milk,buttermilk or kwatha is poured in a continuous stream of drip on the forehead in a specific manner .
Diabetes mellitus is a long-term metabolic condition in which the person has high level of blood sugar. It is caused either due to inadequate production of insulin or the body's cells do not respond properly to insulin, or both.
Immunity is a state of not being prone to infections. An excellent immune body can differentiate from foreign substance from self, and eliminate from the body. Our ancient science of health known as Ayurveda(life–knowledge) has defined immunity as “forgiveness of disease”(vyadhikshamatva). Ayurveda is a holistic science which emphases on the well-being of body(sharira), mind (manas),and soul(atma). This health tri-pod has to be balanced to have a good immunity system and sound health.
Almost everyone has experienced headache at some instance of life and most of us have had it many times. Mild headache is moreover an annoyance and is usually relieved by a cup of hot tea or coffee, a short rest or a simple pain reliever. Even if it is not life threatening, headache can become troublesome that may affect the productivity of our work or may even interfere with our daily activities.
As the summer season is setting in, so is the need to keep yourself hydrated in order to beat the heat and fatigue. The Pitta Dosha, which is responsible for our body's metabolism and digestive functions, requires to be balanced with the right kind of food and drinks for one to be able to strike an overall harmony between the mind and body.
Shirodhara is a classical and a very popular Ayurvedic treatment procedure of slowly and steadily dripping warm medicated liquids on the center of the forehead of the patient, lying calmly on a comfortable bed.
Hair loss can result from varied reasons. It may rather be a disease condition or an associated symptom of underlying disease.
In most Hindu households in India, it’s customary to keep the sacred Tulsi or Holy Basil plant at home. We all have memories of our parents or grandparents offering prayers to this spiritual herb.
Imagine being in the middle of an important exam, meeting or an interview. Suddenly, a throbbing headache starts. On any other day, you just pop in some painkillers, massage with a strong balm or just lock yourself up in a dark room. But now, all you can do is to wait for the excruciating pain to tide over! This kind of recurring nightmare can have a debilitating effect on your physical and emotional health.
Flavourful spices have always been an integral part of Indian cooking. An entire sub-branch of Ayurveda, Svasthavritta, is dedicated to the science of healthy living. It involves using medicinal spices for activating body energies, building immunity and preventing diseases.
According to Ayurveda Infertility primarily refers to the biological inability of a woman of reproductive age to contribute to conception & also the state of a woman who is unable to carry pregnancy to full term.
According to Ayurveda Infertility primarily refers to the biological inability of a woman of reproductive age to contribute to conception & also the state of a woman who is unable to carry pregnancy to full term.
If you think the above image is PANCHAKARMA, THIS ARTICLE IS ALL YOURS. I happened to see a board outside an “ Ayurveda center”, that read “LIST OF ALL PANCHAKARMA’S DONE HERE”. I wondered how many were there. As I read the list, I lost count.
Ayurveda is one of the world's oldest holistic healing systems, originated about 3000 years ago in India. Ayurveda is not simply a healing system, but it is a way of life. The essence of Ayurveda is to keep the delicate balance between the body, mind and soul. Its purpose is to find the true balance of life by bringing adequate change in our diet and lifestyle.