Sinusitis Management
Sinusitis is known as Pinas in Ayurveda. There are four pairs of Sinuses(cavities) located in the face bone - Frontal (in the forehead), Maxillary (behind the cheekbones), Ethmoid (between the eyes) and Sphenoid (behind the eyes). When one or more of these sinuses get blocked with mucus, inflammation occurs causing severe discomforts like acute headaches and pain. In Ayurvedic terms, Kapha (water) accumulates in the tissues of sinuses, blocking the flow of Vata (air). Then Ama (toxins) gets mixed with Kapha (in the sinus area) to form Shleshma (mucus) that clogs the sinuses because of which Pitta (fire) gets unbalanced leading to severe inflammations. With the prolonged unbalance state of doshas (Kapha, Pitta, and Vata), body’s immunity gets compromised.
The main causes of Sinusitis are:
- Exposure to cold and dry temperatures
- Acid reflux caused by intake of dry, oily, spicy food
- Blood circulation blocking toxins
- Impaired immune or nervous systems
- Recurring respiratory infections
- Poor nutrition and digestion
- Infections in the mouth
- Allergies like dust or pollen
- Deviated nasal septum
- Extra growth in the nose
- Extreme physical or mental stress
- Suppressing natural urges to cry or vomit
- Intake of extremely hot or cold food
- Irregular sleeping patterns.
Some symptoms of a sinus infection include:
- Difficulty in breathing through the nose
- Radiating pain in sinus areas, head, ears, upper jaw, or teeth
- Nasal congestion and discharge of thick yellow-green mucus
- A sore throat, coughing or sneezing
- Swelling and tenderness around eyes, cheeks, nose, or forehead
- Fatigue or irritability
- Heaviness in the head
- Loss of smell and taste
- Sometimes, patients may have nausea, bad breath, and fever as well.
Akami Ayurvedic Treatment For Sinus Problems
We have a very effective and comprehensive approach towards the treatment of this disease. After examining the dominant nature of the patient’s body (Kapha, Pitta or Vata) our doctors advise a suitable path for draining out Ama (toxins) from their systems with the use of certain medicated herbs, dietary rules, and nasal therapies.
As per Ayurveda, Kapha people often get stuffy noses during spring time while Pitta people get stuffy noses due to allergies and Vata people due to toxins in the colon.
Our dosha balancing treatment includes:
- Ayurvedic procedures like Vamana and Dhoomapana.
- Panchakarma treatment of Nasya.
- Recommendation of Diet and Lifestyle modifications.
- Herbal medication for managing pain and inflammation.
- Daily oil massages to improve skin condition.
- Colon cleansing using gentle laxatives and enema therapy.
- Medicated inhaling steam or vaping.
As per the requirements of our Patients, we include other aspects of healing as well (like stress management, yoga, meditation etc).
Recommended Diet & Lifestyle For Managing Sinusitis:
For those suffering from acute or chronic Sinusitis, we recommend the following:
- Installing Humidifiers - To make air soothing for the lungs and nasal passages.
- Guard against exposure to allergens and irritants like dust, smoke, pollution, pollens etc.
- Practice Pranayama and Neti daily.
- Get sufficient and timely sleep. Sleep while lying on one side and with a pillow beneath the head to prevent accumulation of mucus in the air passages.
- Wash your hands frequently with soap.
- Take early treatment for ailments like tooth infections, pain, cold and upper respiratory infections.
- Take hot water baths for improving circulation.
- Avoid dry heat or cold conditions.
- Keep the head and chest warm.
- Practice Humming - Vibrations from humming can help phlegm to drain.
- Dry your hair properly after hair wash.
- Don’t smoke.
- Stay hydrated. Drink only warm water. You can infuse it with cinnamon and black pepper.
- Consume well-balanced, freshly-prepared warm food. Include pepper, garlic, ginger, fenugreek, and turmeric in cooking.
- Avoid intake of refrigerated, processed, and rich (oily/heavy) food.
- Light fasting can clear mucus and dry out the blood.
- Sip or gargle teas made from ingredients that assist expectoration - ginger, black pepper, cinnamon, wild cherry bark, licorice root and marshmallow root.
- Avoid sweets and dairy products.
Ayurvedic treatments work best when tried for a minimum duration of three months. For more information or to book an appointment with our doctors, please call us on (+91) 9020162016.